- Advies
- Animation 2D
- Art Direction
- Bedrijfsfilm
- Bemiddeling
- Cameraman
- Camjo
- Character Design
- Commercial / reclame
- Distributie
- Documentaire
- Editing
- Experimenteel
- Festival / evenementen
- Fictie
- Geluid
- Instructiefilm
- Kortfilm
- Licht
- Montage
- Multi- / crossmedia
- Postproductie
- Productie
- Regie
- Registratie
- Reportage
- Sound design
- Stop-motion
- Televisie
- Vertoning
- Videoart / installaties
- Videoclip
- VJ

Live visual performance by VJ VeeMee & Vj Sjush @ Incubate 2012, grote zaal 013(Tilburg).
All video footage was shot in 1 of 4 so called "Hubs", including Kent, Frankfurt, Antwerpen and TIlburg. Later made into visuals.
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