The animation aims to bring colorful cartoonlike effects as seen in asian mangamovies to life in stopmotion. Inspired by early animationtechniques such as used in the Monsterfilms by Ray Harryhausen. His films togehter with Japanse "Kajumonsters" formed the Neomonster filmgenre in the early 1950´s. These films centralised the battle between a monster and the human world, while blending in elements from Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction movies.The neo-monster filmgenre uses speculative depictions of phenonema that are not necessarily accepted by mainstream beliefs, such as extraterrestial life forms, alien worlds and timetravel, often along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft, robots or other technologies derived from Science Fiction, used by filmmakers who were indiffrent to scientific plausibility and plotlogic.The genre has existed since the early years of silent cinema, when Georges Melies "A trip to the Moon" from 1902 amazed audiences with its trick photography effects. Song: Reloaded by BaskervilleWritten & Directed by: Marieke VerbiesenDOP: Steven FrederickxPuppetdesign: Neeltje SprengersAssisted by: Demian Geerlings Vincent de Gooijer Mieke DriessenIntern: Angel De HaroMaking Off: Isha Kersten, Paul SegersThanks to: Ton Beetz Wiepko Oosterhuis Maaike Sietzema Maik Hagens Joan Dunham Jeff Williams, Tim van der Heijden Snode Vormgevers De Fabriek Eindhoven Plaza Futura BEK 1.0 Tax Videoclipfonds This musicvideo was made possible with support of the TAX Videoclipfonds