- Animation 2D
- Bedrijfsfilm
- Camera
- Character design
- Commercial / reclame
- Documentaire
- Editing
- Editing
- Experimenteel
- Instructiefilm
- Postproductie
- Productie
- Stop-motion
- Televisie
- Videoclip
- VJ

I've always known what I wanted to do something with painting and drawing. After graduating secondary school I started at an Art school in Arnhem. This school had Art, Theatre and Video courses. As I liked to draw and paint, one could assume I would have enrolled for Art's classes.
In the orientation year however I came in contact with Video classes. I discovered a new world and wanted to learn more. I saw the potential of a career in video. Painting and drawing I could also do in my spare time. I chose to devote the rest of my education there to Video. By doing workshops I learned about Aftereffects. I saw the capability of combining my passion for drawing and moving images and instantly I was sold.
After Arnhem I started my HBO (equivalent of HND-BA or Bachelor degree) at the academy of Arts St. Joost Breda. The past three and a half years I have been studying animation and am now working on my graduation project and paper. In the mean time I work on free-lance projects and am learning how to become a Visual Jockey.
After graduating I would like to have a steady job at a studio and work on a career as an artist producing my own animations and other work. I am also considering moving abroad to get a masters degree.
Lisette Schröder

Poor us: The animated history of poverty Lisette Schröder

JobAmbassadors: Referral recruitment (English version) Lisette Schröder

JobAmbassadors: Referral recruitment (Dutch version) Lisette Schröder

Lisette Schröder
in Breda